Saturday, June 24, 2006

Bacon, Mushroom & Cheese Tarts

Bacon, Mushroom & Cheese Tarts recipe is from Leisure Cat. Originally a Pie recipe, but I changed it into Tarts. The dough for the tart shells was very oily and not easy to handle, impossible to roll out. Even Bondycat, who shared this recipe, said she had had difficulty rolling the dough, hence she used fingers to press the dough onto the pie tin. But the oily dough actuallly yields tasty flaky pastry, which is my favourite. When the tarts were freshly out of the oven, Gene, Ni and I couldn't wait and we had two tarts each. Delish! Many who tried this recipe said that the recipe is sinful, but who cares when comes to occasional indulgence of the palate.

Bacon, Mushroom & Cheese Tarts

Ingredients for tart shells:
200g cake flour
1/5 tsp baking powder
100g butter, room temperature
60g caster sugar
1 egg
a drop of vanilla essence


Sift the cake flour and baking powder together, set aside.

Cream the butter with caster sugar until white and creamy.

Add egg and continue to beat until smooth, add vanilla essence.

Fold in flour gradually until well blended.

Wrap the dough in a cling wrap and chill for about 1 to 2 hours.

Divide the dough into small balls and press the dough into the tart moulds. Ensure even thickness of the dough.

Put the prepared moulds in the fridge.

Ingredients for filling:
80g bacon, sliced
1 garlic, minced
8 button mushrooms, sliced thinly
60g diary whipping cream
60g milk
1 egg, beaten
a pinch of salt
a dash of pepper
50g Cheddar cheese, grated


Beat the egg, milk and diary whipping cream till well combined(creamy white in colour), add salt and pepper.

Put bacon, mushrooms and garlic on the prepared tart moulds. Pour the egg mixture into the moulds.

Sprinkle grated cheese on the mixture.

Bake in preheated oven at 190 degree Celsius for *45-50 mintues. (*my oven temperature is low compared to other oven, so I actually took the same time, as the original pie recipe, to bake the tarts)

Tazz's Note: To make into Pie, use a 18cm pie tin. The recipe for the pastry yields 14 tart shells. I made 12 tarts but I would suggest pouring the filling into 10 tart shells to make puffier tarts.

Tips that I learnt from cooking programme on tv: Button mushrooms turn black easily. After washing, add lemon juice or venegar in a bowl of water, soak button mushrooms briefly. Drain and put in the fridge. Button mushrooms will not turn black easily.


  1. Wow...tazz... from your description...i can almost taste and smell the tarts... I bet it must be very delicious....

  2. Yummy! Do you think this tart shells recipe can be used for making eggs tart or coconut tart?

  3. Hi.. Tazz... can i check with you.. if we make these mushroom cheese tarts in those small tart shell also need to bake for 45mins huh? Cos i tot smaller tart shell might need shorter timing...tot of making these today... :)

  4. Ellena, at first I also thought I shouldn't be using 45mins to bake this tart, which is the same time for the big pie to bake, but when I actually baked it, then I found out that it really took that long to bake my tarts. One thing I must emphasize, my oven's temperature is low compared to other oven. All ovens are different, so best is to keep an eye during the baking process.

    Ching, I am not sure about Coconut Tarts. As for Egg Tarts, I don't think I will use this recipe for the shells.

  5. baked my favourite! Yum Yum! Again your recipe looked so easy tempting me to try my hands at it.

  6. Thanks Tazz... for this wonderful recipe.. i bake it this evening.. and it really smell heavenly during the baking time... and most of all.. it taste great.... Thanks... for this great recipe... all my guests love it...

    And... it really took around 1 hr to bake even for the small tart shell.. for the pie case, i only manage to make 6.

  7. Thanks Puspha & Sharon.

    Ellena, we should thank Bondycat for the great recipe. ;)

  8. hey!
    i tracked back and read almost every entry of your blog. and tried the egg tarts recipe. it turned out great! thanks. hope to read more of your easy and yummy recipes. =]

  9. hi tazz, i bloghopped from ellena's site. i've been a big fan of yours for awhile now. your blog's cool, so are your recipes. they all look yum! keep them coming!

    take care~

  10. Hello anonymous and Evan, thanks for dropping by. :)

    Evan, you made me blush by saying that you have been a big fan of mine. Tazz is but a novice baker and a passable cook. This blog is for me to share my learning experiences and the recipes that I have tried so far.

  11. tazz, i think u r too humble. from the photos (as well as comments from your readers), i reckon they're really yummy. i must try out your recipes one day, esp the milk tarts. thx for providing the recipe =)

  12. Delicious!!! Salivate from here leh!!!

  13. Evan, do try those easy and yummy recipes and hope you like them.

    *passing a tissue paper to Jadepearl* *lol*
